Welcome to Cumulus Top Sites!
Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand Weather - Stats |
2 |
 Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand Live Weather in Multi Languages. Station at location: WS3085. Includes Weather Cam, Forecast, Moon/Sun Phases, Fire & Earthquake Reports, Local Tides, Solar/UV, Live Local & International Maps, Gauges & Graphs.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
37 |
Average |
140.6 |
Cheadle Hulme Weather - Stats |
3 |
 A privately run Davis VP2 weather station located 10 miles south of the city of Manchester, England.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
9 |
Average |
28 |
Vilppula Weather, Finland - Stats |
4 |
 Weather station is located in Vilppula, about 80km north from Tampere, Western Finland. The station is using Davis VP2 with modified 24h FARS since Dec. 2011. Site is using Leuven Template and site data is updated every 5 mins.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
6 |
Average |
29.3 |
PWS-Suttenbrunn - Stats |
5 |
 private weather station in Lower Austria in agricultural environment using Ecowitt sensors GW2000/WS90/Wittboy, CMX/CumulusUtils software and running daily forecasts with WxSim.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
5 |
Average |
4.7 |
Calverton (Notts) - Weather - Stats |
6 |
 The Calverton (Notts) site has been running since 2000 and has full records since then. Currently consisting of a cabled Davis Vantage Pro2 and connected to a RPi4 with CumulusMX as the weather software.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
5 |
Average |
11.4 |
Opotiki Weather - Stats |
9 |
 Basic original Cumulus setup, rural town Eastern Bay of Plenty New Zealand.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
3 |
Average |
4.5 |
Ferny Grove Weather - Stats |
10 |
 Real time data updating every 10 seconds. Ferny Grove is a suburb in North West Brisbane, Queensland, Australia about 12km from Brisbane City and 20 km inland from the coast. Data collected since 2009, and currently been collected by a Davis Vantage Pro 2
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
2 |
Average |
23 |
Layton, Blackpool, UK - Stats |
11 |
 Davis VP2+WLL & Ecowitt extra sensors. CumulusMX running on Khadas Edge v1 and Debian Bullseye 11.7. Site created using CumulusUtils.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
2 |
Average |
3.5 |
Latham Weather - Stats |
13 |
 This website displays weather information from the suburb of Latham in the Australian Capital Territory.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
2 |
Average |
2.1 |
Carina Weather - Stats |
14 |
 Observations at Carina, a SE suburb of Brisbane, Australia are made using a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station and date back to March 2011.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
2 |
Average |
3.4 |
KomokaWeather - Stats |
15 |
 Davis VP2 Plus weather station and a proud Cumulus user in Komoka, ON Canada
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
1 |
Average |
7.9 |
Burnham-on-Sea - Stats |
16 |
 Burnham-on-Sea on the Severn Estuary, Somerset, UK. The weather station in use is a Ecowitt HP2551, and these pages are updated every 10 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
1 |
Average |
3.6 |
Taupiri Weather, Waikato, New Zealand - Stats |
17 |
 Taupiri Weather from Waikato, New Zealand. Live data using a Davis Pro 2 Plus with UV sensor, site includes a webcam with time lapse videos. Links to local tides, snow reports, marine traffic, iss tracker, New Zealand Traffic Cams, Live Road Info.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
1 |
Average |
6.9 |
Beachlands, Auckland - Stats |
18 |
 The weather station in use is the WH-1081 and these pages are updated every 10 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
1 |
Average |
3.3 |
Herefordshire - Stats |
19 |
 A Davis Vantage Vue feeding a Raspberry Pi 3 running Cumulus and Apache
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
2.3 |
Wareham Weather - Stats |
21 |
 The main weather station being used is Davis Vantage Pro2 with solar sensor combined with the Davis AirLink sensor. Data available: Air Quality, Lightning, Webcam, WXSIM forecasts, historical & climate data and much much more. 3 second updates too!
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Bower Manor Weather - Stats |
23 |
 personal weather station running at 10 metres above sea level. Fine Offset with Solar
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Adrians Weather Station - Stats |
28 |
 Davis VP2 weather station located in Lake Worth Florida with 24Hrs FARS and uses Cumulus MX software.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Antrobus, UK Weather - Stats |
29 |
 Ecowitt based weather station(s) reporting weather in Antrobus, Cheshire UK. Operational since 2013
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Gooseberry Hill Weather - Stats |
31 |
 A personal Davis VP2+ weather station with an Airlink air quality monitor, in Gooseberry Hill, a suburb on the eastern fringe of Perth, Western Australia.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Comberton nr. Cambridge UK Weather - Stats |
32 |
 Comberton, a little east of the Meridian line near Cambridge. The weather station in use is the AERCUS WS2083 Fine Offset mounted on a 4m mast away from trees and buildings in semi rural village garden.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
Conlig Weather Station - Stats |
34 |
 A small Co. Down Weather Station running a Davis VPro2 Plus with Daytime FARS, and a Meteobridge Nano SD attached to the Davis Console. Air Quality & Lightning Sensors, Webcam, WXSIM forecasts, Mastodon feed available too.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
De Griftsemolen - Vaassen (NL) - Stats |
35 |
 The weather in Vaassen which lies between Apeldoorn and Zwolle on the eastern edge of the Veluwe in the province of Gelderland (NL)
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0 |
The Vicarage Weather Feed - Stats |
37 |
 Weather Station using Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus. Heated Rain Gauge, Heated Snow sensor, Heated Anemometer, Aspirated Fog sensor, Davis Air Quality sensor. Weather Box linked to ThinkSpeak
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0.2 |
Wyndhamvale weather - Stats |
39 |
 Wyndhamvale is 32 Km SW of Melbourne Victoria Australia. Realtime updated at 30 second intervals.Data collected from a Fine Offset since 2009.
Category: Category | Movement:
Today |
0 |
Average |
0.9 |
Overall Stats |
Average (Last 10 Days) |
In |
Out |
Pageviews |
1.5 |
8.5 |
444.3 |
Total (All Time) |
In |
Out |
Pageviews |
579 |
6,063 |
252,017 |